The Steelers are WORLD Champions!!

2 02 2009

So the Steelers won the Superbowl and I have been hearing since the end of the game, yes I watched some of it, that they are the WORLD Champions…

So the USA is the world?!?!?!?!

What about the other continents, countries? What are they? Are those other WORLDS?

I think we are either extremely egocentristic and arrogant or we use the word WORLD very loosely.

I AM QUEEN OF THE WORLD!!!! My world at least… 😉

Needles to say, I stil do not understand why the sport is called Fooball

Blagojevich Business as Usual!?!?!

1 02 2009

A friend told me that the people have the elected officials they deserve…they elected them; What does that say about us??

Case in point Mr. Blagojevich, he was impeached this past week and he’s defense was that he just did what they all do to get things done….uhhh?!?!?! He told the Illinois Senate that if they all do this, he should not get in trouble, they all do it and that makes it right.

Maybe  that is business as usual for politicians, but I guess Blagojevich forgot that it is wrong and that if you get caught you are in trouble.

How many more are doing the same sort of thing?? Are there any honest politicians out there??